Lessons Learned

The following websites offer Lessons Learned reports of incidents and near-misses that have taken place in laboratories and shops that offer important safety lessons.

Read the Lessons Learned and ask yourself and your research group some questions such as:
- Could an event like this occur in our area?
- What safety systems do we have to prevent such an incident?
- Are the safety systems understood and kept in good condition?

Lessons Learned

Learning Never Stops - (4 min video)
Associate Laboratory Director Allison Campbell (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) reflects on her recent experience in a serious cycling accident and the principle "Learning Never Stops" 

Industry Incidents
Process Safety Beacon (The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)) - A resource aimed at delivering process safety messages to plant operators and other manufacturing personnel. The Beacon format is a one-page flyer (available in multiple languages) explaining an incident, the impact, how the error was corrected, and the lessons learned.

While you may not have the same equipment of chemicals in your spaces, the lessons learned are meant to be universal.

Sample: Sense of vulnerability – a very important safety component

Last Updated: 11/21/2024 2:46:04 PM